Spark Awards
The writing you produce in any of the WriteSpace workshops for Platform+ or in your own time can be entered to win the Spark Awards, consisting of three prizes offered by The Kartik Foundation:
• £200 winner
• £100 runner-up
• £50 highly commended
The final submissions can be either written or delivered via video such as a rap or song. If written, please be in a word doc, double spaced, font size 12 and in a sensible font.
The formats/genres we’re currently accepting are:
Prose (short story or novel extract)
Drama (playscript, screenplay)
Poetry (collection of poems, one long poem)
Non-fiction (personal memoir, journalistic writing, investigative writing)
2000 word limit
There is no set theme or prompt – it’s up to you to pursue your own creative interests!
Key dates to remember:
Final submissions due by 7th September
Emailed to WriteSpace@kartikfoundation.org
Winners announced 21st Sept at Platform+ Graduation
For more information on the prizes or WriteSpace please contact WriteSpace@kartikfoundation.org

The awards’ name is inspired by the story Sparky the Dragon, written by Kartik Prabhu when he was 6 years old. His schoolteacher shared it with the Children’s Laureate Sir Quentin Blake, leading to many years of friendship and this beautiful illustration for the story.