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Spark Awards

The writing you produce in any of the WriteSpace workshops for Platform+ or in your own time can be entered to win the Spark Awards, consisting of three prizes offered by The Kartik Foundation: 


•  £200 winner

•  £100 runner-up

•  £50 highly commended

The final submissions can be either written or delivered via video such as a rap or song. If written, please be in a word doc, double spaced, font size 12 and in a sensible font.


The formats/genres we’re currently accepting are:

  • Prose (short story or novel extract)

  • Drama (playscript, screenplay)

  • Poetry (collection of poems, one long poem)

  • Non-fiction (personal memoir, journalistic writing, investigative writing)

  • 2000 word limit


There is no set theme or prompt – it’s up to you to pursue your own creative interests!


Key dates to remember:


For more information on the prizes or WriteSpace please contact


The awards’ name is inspired by the story Sparky the Dragon, written by Kartik Prabhu when he was 6 years old. His schoolteacher shared it with the Children’s Laureate Sir Quentin Blake, leading to many years of friendship and this beautiful illustration for the story.

WriteSpace is an initiative of The Kartik Foundation.

The Kartik Foundation and KPMF are working names of the Kartik Prabhu Memorial Foundation, a registered charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) in England and Wales (1188703).

20 Pelham Street, London, SW7 2NG, United Kingdom


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